Sheila Michaels, the Wrong Choice for Christian County Western Commissioner
Should you vote for the Amazing, Qualified, Civic-Minded, Librarian of the Year Shiela Michaels?
Hosea Bilyeu is stepping down as Western Commissioner for Christian County. Since he’s not running again, there are three options for Western Christian County Commissioner.
Johnny Williams, J. Michael White, and Shiela Michaels are all running. Sheila Michaels is the only Democrat in the race in a county that is primarily Republican. Johnny and J. Michael sat down with KMSU, but Shiela had a conflict with her schedule and was unable to attend. Here is the link to those interviews.
Since we don’t know much about Shiela, I have gathered information about her from Social Media and the Little Library she curates at home.
She states she is the Qualified choice, and her Treasurer is Matthew Saurez, a former Christian County Library Board Trustee (who was overseeing the radicalization of the Library).
Her Amazing Qualifications
Sheila has been awarded the 2023 Young Adult Librarian Service’s Association MAE through the American Library Association. Her Book Bag program gives out Period Products to young girls (because librarians need to do that for some reason) and she curates good classic books from library shelves and replaces them with radicalized books. The ALA just recently elected a Non-Binary (Woman) to be their president-elect. The previous president was glad to “queer” library spaces through Marxist ideologies. Shiela’s award doesn’t seem so prestigious or qualifying.
U-Turn in Education
The local U-Turn in Education supports Sheila. U-Turn in Education is run by twice-failed School Board candidate Elizabeth Dudash-Buskirk, who wants to radicalize Nixa schools.
Radical Little Library
Sheila Michael shares All Boys Aren’t Blue next to Ruth Graham and C.S. Lewis at her Little Library.
What’s in All Boys Aren’t Blue?
What happens if a child picks up this book? Is Shiela responsible for any harm done to the child? Librarians seem to be safe because we don’t have a sheriff or prosecuting attorney with any backbone in our county, but criminally, it’s illegal.
< > • Effective - 01 Jan 2017, 4 histories, see footnote
573.040. Furnishing pornographic materials to minors — penalty. — 1. A person commits the offense of furnishing pornographic material to minors if, knowing of its content and character, he or she:
(1) Furnishes any material pornographic for minors, knowing that the person to whom it is furnished is a minor or acting in reckless disregard of the likelihood that such person is a minor; or
(2) Produces, presents, directs or participates in any performance pornographic for minors that is furnished to a minor knowing that any person viewing such performance is a minor or acting in reckless disregard of the likelihood that a minor is viewing the performance; or
(3) Furnishes, produces, presents, directs, participates in any performance or otherwise makes available material that is pornographic for minors via computer, electronic transfer, internet or computer network if the person made the matter available to a specific individual known by the defendant to be a minor.
2. It is not a defense to a prosecution for a violation of this section that the person being furnished the pornographic material is a peace officer masquerading as a minor.
3. The offense of furnishing pornographic material to minors or attempting to furnish pornographic material to minors is a class A misdemeanor unless the person has been found guilty of an offense committed at a different time pursuant to this chapter, chapter 566 or chapter 568, in which case it is a class E felony.
EEK, is correct, Shiela.
Her Other Civic Involvement
Shiela isn’t just radical at the Library though. She’s radical in other areas.
She goes to the Greater Ozark Pridefest to support Trans rights for minors.
I can only guess why she wants to be a County Commissioner. I suspect it’s because she wants the power to appoint radical liberals to the Library Board, such as the ones she supports.
Christian County can’t afford the turmoil the liberals have caused the past several years. They have destroyed much of the sanity and good will we used to have here.
We don’t need to elect her to any position of power in our County. I don’t think she should host even a free little library. On November 5th, you have three choices. Choose better than Shiela.