
Amendment 3 will create a Constitutional Technocracy to Destroy Your Children

If Amendment 3 passes, your unborn and born children will become grist for the technocratic cult of billionaires to enrich themselves as they work to castrate and cannibalize your children.

"It’s hard to imagine that what we’re witnessing is an organized technological, religious cult with eugenicist underpinnings. The single most important contribution to Hilter being able to continue his holocaust against the Jews in Nazi Germany, is that people could not, would not, allow themselves to believe it was happening. It was too terrifying." from Jennifer Bilek.

If Amendment 3 passes on November 6th, it will essentially turn Christians, Parents, and other Faith Groups into outlaws in Missouri. If we, or you, oppose or stand in the way of a child’s “reproductive freedom” to transition to another sex or if we oppose a child being aborted at any stage of development, we will be criminalized for violating their constitutional right.

Amendment 3 is a Lie (Vote No)

Amendment 3 is a smokescreen for the implementation of the transgender agenda on Missouri’s children and could threaten parental rights. 

• Amendment 3 would repeal the SAFE ACT passed in 2023. According to the Liberty Counsel’s Statement of Leaders Opposing Missouri’s So-Called “Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative,” states “While the text cleverly focuses on pregnancy and abortion, the creation of a broad right toreproductive health care” expanded with the “but not limited to” text enables an interpretation thatreproductive health care” includes the right of a person to modify, eliminate or change their reproductive system. Moreover, since the language does not specifically protect the parent-child relationship, the left will continue to argue that the state must counsel, enable, and facilitate children to surgically, hormonally, or otherwise irreversibly mutilate themselves, against parental consent, under the guise of reproductive health and so-called “gender-affirming care.”

• Amendment 3 could repeal the Missouri Save Women’s Sports Act. According to Section 6, “The Government shall not discriminate against persons providing or obtaining reproductive health care or assisting another person in doing so.” According to the Liberty Counsel, “This so-called “anti-discrimination” provision could be applied to allow biological males “obtaining reproductive health care” a legal right to demand access to girls’ and women’s activities and spaces.

• Amendment 3 could give the state the authority to remove children from parents who object to their children receiving “gender-affirming” surgeries and/or medical treatment. According to the Liberty Counsel, Section 6 could create “A state-sponsored “right” that can be used by bureaucrats to mislead and kidnap children to irreversibly mutilate and forcibly sterilize their reproductive systems against parental consent.”

Amendment 3 Attack on Unborn Children and Women’s Health

• Section 2 would repeal Missouri State Statute 188.026, Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act, “Missouri Heartbeat Law,” and allow full-term and partial-birth abortion up to the moment of birth. 

• Section 4 would allow abortions for physical or mental health reasons for all nine months. 

• Section 5 would eliminate abortions that are required to be conducted by licensed physicians. This would allow unlicensed “Medical” professionals to perform an abortion in an unlicensed medical facility. 

Amendment 3 Attack on Parental Rights and Taxpayers

• Section 3 would eliminate parental consent of minors from receiving an abortion. “Any denial, interference, delay, or restriction of the right to reproductive freedom shall be presumed invalid.”

• Section 3 would repeal HB 2634 and force taxpayers to fund abortions; HB 2634 was sponsored by Representative Cody Smith and passed in the 2024 legislative session. HB 2634 Section 188.207 states, “It shall be unlawful for any public funds to be expended to any abortion facility or any affiliate of such abortion facility.”  


The Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative” Petition

Certificate of Sufficiency” for the Ballot Initiative

2024 Ballot Measures” from the Missouri SOS


Pietism Definition from Defy Tyrants website.

“Now Pietism – which teaches that Christianity should be a purely private matter and that God’s law has no place in the governance of nations – always tells us that we are wasting our time when it comes to being involved in seeing that good laws are established in our nation. They mock it as mere ‘moralizing.’ They say we should just be involved in trying to save men’s souls – we should just preach the gospel. But what Pietism fails to understand is that good law – that which mirrors the law and justice of God – helps men see where they are wrong, where they have sinned against God, where they do need to repent.”

Shield Maidens of MO

“Ask yourself this: Why did MRL endorse Jay Ashcroft for Governor approximately a year ago BEFORE the race for Governor even heated up when he has NEVER taken ANY vote for the LIFE issue? He does not have a proven record. He has nothing for voters to see. So, how does MRL know how Ashcroft will vote when pressed when he has never taken a vote unlike Senator Bill Eigel who has 8 full years of votes that are on record? Mike Kehoe has a full slate of documented votes from when he was a sitting senator for the life issue that are less than impressive. Kehoe’s position on abortion is weak, unlike Eigel’s based on live debates we have watched for 8 years and all of the votes he has taken.”

Watch the video here.

Abolish Abortion Missouri

My interviews with Dr. Wes Scroggins can be found here and here.

What are the Churches doing?

Sadly, in my research, not enough details were provided. The Missouri Baptist Convention and the Springfield-Cape Girardeau Catholic Diocese provided the most details. Yet, many churches are worried that they will lose members if they preach this from the pulpit or lectern.

Can they afford to lose members in a climate of scarce money? Many pastors, priests, elders, and deacons are asking the wrong question.

In a culture that is turning against children and moving openly and gleefully toward child sacrifice, can they stay silent and not fear the judgment of God?

Washington University Plans for Unborn Children

Your Local Podcasters and Authors’ Bios

Gretchen Garrity is a former journalist who has written boldly for years. She is a brave Christian conservative, but she’s most proud of being a grandmother.

David Rice writes about three issues in this order: Christ, the Constitution, and Conservative issues. He is a father and husband and has been redeemed at a cost he could not pay.