
Heresy in a Small Town Church?

Are our churches really orthodox (right teaching) anymore or have they moved into the heretical teachings that you'll find in New Thought and New Age philosophy akin to Richard Rohr and the Far Left?

C3, a Church in Maryville, MO, has moved from its Charismatic, more orthodox roots to applying modern culture, victimhood, radical feminism, and Eastern mysticism to the faith.

Under the pastor and his wife's leadership, the church has fallen deep into a cult of modern American heresy, where power and wealth are only a few thoughts away through positive energy and manifestation.

Christ is a backdrop for false teaching and worship services at this church rather than the center.

You can find Nick and Barb's podcasts here and here.

Nick and Barb Terry’s Social Media

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Dobbs Decision?

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iSuggestive Texts


Barb Terry’s Book, Foul-Mouthed Refined Language Kingdom

C3’s Focus on Youth and College Students

Barb Terry’s in the news about her School Contract.

Nick Terry in the news about his Human Service.

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