Hick Christian's Podcast
One Parent Created a Movement

One Parent Created a Movement

Once Mary stood up, others joined in and it has created a movement in Christian County. Christians from all over have joined in because she stood up.


At around 15 minutes in, Mary’s mic fell down and neither one of us caught it. The sound is fine, but slightly muted so I suggest turning the volume up to hear Mary better.


As the Library Board fought against Mary and others, God brought together different people from different walks of life.

For myself, I only started to write articles because we wanted to share what was being said at the Library Board meetings. So you can thank the Library Board Trustees and the Library Board’s Executive Director for my writing career. 🤣

However, the Library Board won’t give up. They won’t give in. They think they have the high moral ground on this issue.

They think those of us who show up at the Library Board meetings are unintelligent, unsophisticated, uneducated, uncaring, or bigoted.

Listen to Mary speak. In my experience, Mary is soft-spoken and exceptionally kind. Yet, she is determined to do the right thing for every child in the community, and not just her own.

She is a homeschooling parent that knows the future world her children will inherit will be populated by today’s children, currently being threatened by anti-human and anti-children views. Those traumatized adults will work alongside her children and live in the same world. Because she has such a caring heart, she wants to minimize the pain children will face, so they don’t become adults who carry that pain around with them into their adult world.

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Hick Christian's Podcast
This podcast is the first chapter of my Fantasy novel, "Wounded World: Rise of Moloch." In it, I introduce the world, its elements, and the horrific control the villain has over his creations.