Gretchen and I cover the issues in Susan Wade’s stories of the Christian County Library. Susan Wade’s narrative has created a weak rendering of the Christian County Library, which is only a shadow of truth.
We range back and forth over what must be done (legalism) and what ought to be done (morality and faith). So many of the library issues are hidden behind a veil of narrative and misdirection by journalists like Susan Wade.
We’ve been lied to through their propaganda-their masters seek to undermine reality through lies about biology.
Opening Questions:
1. "Could you share your journalism background and credentials?"
2. "How did you become involved in covering the Christian County Library issues?"
Media Representation & Documentation
Credentials & Coverage:
3. "Wade prominently displays her journalism credentials in presenting this coverage. How would you compare your approach to documentation and sourcing with hers?"
4. "The article primarily identifies you as 'Garrity's wife' rather than a journalist. How does this type of characterization affect public perception of your work?"
Documentation Issues:
5. "The article claims people haven't provided lists of concerning books. Could you explain how you've documented these materials?"
6. "What happens when you try to show the actual content on traditional platforms?"
7. "You've faced restrictions trying to show evidence of inappropriate content. Could you explain this ironic situation?"
Wade provides narrative-driven explanations for reporting but often fails to provide context, key details, or key witnesses. Can you explain the difference between her approach and investigative journalism?
Language & Narrative Control
Framing the Debate:
8. "How has the term 'censorship' been redefined in this debate?"
9. "How does the ALA's definition differ from traditional understandings?"
10. "Why is the distinction between censorship and age-appropriate content crucial?"
11. "How has the real issue of parental rights been lost in this narrative?"
Coverage Choices:
12. "Wade portrays Tuckness's resignation as simply about family time and mental health. What significant events and statements did this coverage omit?"
13. "The article presents the lawsuit primarily about meeting notices and bylaw technicalities. How does this narrow focus affect public understanding?"
14. "Wade presents technical details about meeting notices but doesn't explore why leadership changes were being sought. Can you discuss this coverage gap?"
Professional Standards & Relationships
Objectivity and Relationships:
15. "How has Wade's relationship with library staff members affected her coverage?"
16. "Her background includes public relations training. How might this influence her coverage choices?"
17. "How has her political advocacy (like requesting Harris campaign materials) affected her coverage?"
Journalistic Practices:
18. "The article relies heavily on direct quotes from library staff while summarizing or paraphrasing parent concerns. How does this pattern affect public perception?"
19. "As someone with journalism training yourself, what do you see as the key differences between advocacy journalism and what's happening in Wade's coverage?"
Documentation & Evidence
Evidence Handling:
20. "What kind of documentation have you provided that's been ignored in mainstream coverage?"
21. "How does your approach to evidence differ from Wade's reporting?"
22. "Can you walk us through specific instances where you've provided evidence that wasn't included in Wade's reporting?"
Broader Implications
Impact & Understanding:
23. "What does this situation reveal about local journalism and narrative control?"
24. "How can parents and community members get accurate information when local coverage is biased?"
25. "How are progressive parents being pitted against other parents in this debate?"

Susan Wade’s Biases

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