May 28Liked by David Rice

THANKS for this, Mr. Rice. I was looking for explanation of why Parson (and DeWine) didn't sign the letter, and your article popped up. I am previously familiar with the One Health scheme, so it makes sense (in a grotesque sort of way) that this is what's going on in Parson's twisted head. The one additional thing I wish you'd do is reach out to Gov. Parson for comment (and possibly others in MO Govt). He needs to answer, or at minimum go on record as not answering.

I am so tired of his type of Republican, which is all-too common. I fully support the State Freedom Caucuses (they're our best hope in this fallen Country).

P.S. This sentence from your piece needs an edit:

Here is a letter Parson didn’t sign this letter to stop WHO money or the WHO Pandemic Treaty in our state.

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Thank you for the comments. Parson has ignored little old me in the past so I don’t reach out to him. I could every time, but I feel as if I would be wasting my time. I am preparing an update to this article today and I will look at the sentence you mention. Thank you. I use Grammarly to catch errors. Sometimes I can be too dependent on it.

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May 26Liked by David Rice

I wonder what our RINO friends have to say about the plans for the lab?

Will anyone local have the guts to even comment on the plans or will they stay in their little boxes and maintain their “safety” and friendships?

Thanks once again for saying what needs to said. We have a super majority of swamp creatures. It’s time to admit the truth and then DO something about it.

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Will they be brave enough to admit that our own Jamie Gragg who is bragging about the budget helped to bring this into existence? He’s one of ours. He’s our man. He’s a conservative. We need him. We can’t let him lose to another bad Republican in the primary. I say, what difference does it make if the Politburo has him or Garrison?

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